G165 E-Reading Book Review of Killer Rumors by Antonello Fiore

Name of Book: Killer Rumors

Author: Antonello Fiore

ISBN: 9781300183334

Publisher: Createspace

Type of book: Mystery, thriller, church, killings, twists, 2000s,

Year it was published: 2012


Father D’Angelo and Bakeman, two devoted priests were brutally murdered while going on one of their nightly walks. Detective Frank Rinelli is called to the case- not only due to his close friendship with the priests, but with his expertise of tracking psychotic killers. Rinelli suddenly discovers these murders were based on a scandal that occurred several years ago at the same Church where the two murdered priests preached. And it doesn’t stop there. The list of people being murdered in connection with the scandal continues to grow until the killer has his ultimate vengeance- and the truth released.


I honestly liked Frank and Lorenzo. Both of them are described as devoted, determined, lucky and gutsy. Tom Blanchard can best be described as angry, determined and vengeful, although he really has taken a wrong way to avenge himself, and I would have wanted more of his background explored, and the same goes for The Solution.


Things are not what they seem


Its written in first person narrative and third person narrative; first person narrative from Frank Rinelli the detective, and third person narrative from either The Solution or Tom Blanchard. The book is very action oriented and doesn't do a lot of focus on characters and their motivations. While the reader does see some of the detectives' personal lives, most of it is dedicated to capturing Tom and The Solution. Its also a quick read, although the division into short chapters didn't really work for the book.

Author Information:
(from goodreads.com)

born in Montreal, Canada
gende male
website http://antonellofiore.webs.com/
twitter username fioreantonello
genre Mystery & Thrillers, Religion & Spirituality, Literature & Fiction
influences James Patterson, Nicholas Sparks, Dan Brown, Mitch Albom
member since September 2012


The author has contacted me and asked if I wanted to read the book, to which I agreed. The plus of the book is that there's something addictive to it which kept me reading and finishing it in a few days as possible. I liked the mystery and some twists I found to be intriguing. Despite the addictive nature of the book, I have noticed some faults which included giving away the killer and his motivation right at the very start. And in some cases I also was able to figure out few things before the detectives could. The book is very action oriented and there isn't a lot of character exploration, at least when it comes to the villains, sadly enough. I actually enjoy exploration of antagonists and why they do what they do.

Quick notes: I would like to thank the author for the opportunity to read and review the book.

4 out of 5
(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)


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