January 15th-January 21st, 2023

 The Sunday Post

The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

#16 Expect the unexpected

The week was definitely a good one. Last week I believe, my son and I went to the library where he checked out quite a few fun books, one titled How to Eat an Airplane (apparently true story!) and a fun story titled Chickens Are Coming. I am honestly surprised that I developed enjoyment for reading children's books. In Russia I don't recall we ever had them, and when I came here, I couldn't help but feel they were too immature for me. Much to mine surprise, at the age of 37, I learned to like and enjoy children's books as well as graphic novels thanks to my son. Book-wise a surprisingly good week, not sure of my son. Today we went to the library where, at last, he got a Cat Kid Comic Club Book 4 Collaborations by Dav Pilkey (yay!) Tomorrow will be the day he dreamed of: going by local light rail to a museum to check out art work with scouts. 

Last Week On The Blog


This Week On The Blog: All That We Are By Mariah Stewart, The Cuckoo by Leo Carew 

New Arrivals At svetlana's reads and views:


It's Monday! What Are You Reading? 

(From The Book Date)

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a place to meet up and share what you have been, and are about to be reading over the week. It’s a great post to organise yourself. It’s an opportunity to visit and comment and er… add to your groaning TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started on J Kaye’s blog and then was hosted by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn here at The Book Date.
Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels or anything in those genres – join them.

So I'm done reading The Cuckoo by Leo Carew, but due to some arrivals I had to shift my TBR pile, which means I'm not going to be reading the Hannah Whitten book, but instead will be reading Episode Thirteen by Craig DiLouie as well as some others. 


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Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

How it works:

I assign each Tuesday a topic and then post my top ten list that fits that topic. You’re more than welcome to join me and create your own top ten (or 2, 5, 20, etc.) list as well. Feel free to put a unique spin on the topic to make it work for you! Please link back to That Artsy Reader Girl in your own post so that others know where to find more information.

You’ll find the schedule of upcoming TTT topics below so you can plan ahead. I’ll post a Linky here on the blog each week so you can link up your post (if you want). If you don’t have a blog, post your picks in the comment section below! Have tons of fun talking books and getting to know your fellow bloggers!

NOTE: If a weekly topic is listed as a “freebie”, you are invited to come up with your own topic. Sometimes I will give your topic a theme, such as “love”, a season, or an upcoming holiday. That just means that you can come up with any topic you want that fits under that umbrella.

You’re more than welcome to use the Top Ten Tuesday image I designed above (or any of my older/seasonal ones), or make your own that fits your site’s theme.

January 17: Bookish Goals for 2023

Will this mean in generally or particular books? 

1. Begin a YouTube channel where I will get to show off my book collection and just talk about different things relating to life and books. 

2. Read Mindfully which means to be careful to choose what books I desire rather than just read because I have to. 

3. Be more choosy: really ask if I want it instead of just letting dopamine control me

4. Read books I already have: I have almost 2000 books, and only half of those are read, thus I need to focus on books I have instead of constantly getting new ones. 

5. Read books I got previous years: I have a whole ton of books I just really want to read, but yes, things get in a way. 

6. Read more nonfiction: I have a lot of interesting nonfiction be it science or history or something else, and trust me I really want to educate myself but yes, obligations. 

7.Continue to do the weekly check in posts: Believe it or not, these are kind of fun and I love having updates and getting to know people, so my goal is to continue to do these posts. 

8.Do some rereads: I miss reading books I enjoyed like Christopher Pike or Jade Lee or some other favorites I loved prior to my blogging days. So, maybe a re-read just because? 

9. Read the orbit backlog books I got: Apparently I love the modern fantasy, and I would love to finish up some backlog books from orbit in order to understand the world and characters more. It kind of sucks I had to skip books in some series and just start with third or second book instead. 

10. Continue to take care of my blog: Enough said. The blog is my pride and enjoy so I want to continue blogging. 

Shelf Control

Welcome to Shelf Control — an original feature created and hosted by Bookshelf Fantasies.

Shelf Control is a weekly celebration of the unread books on our shelves. Pick a book you own but haven’t read, write a post about it (suggestions: include what it’s about, why you want to read it, and when you got it), and link up! For more info on what Shelf Control is all about, check out my introductory post, here.

Want to join in? Shelf Control posts go up every Wednesday. See the guidelines at the bottom of the post, and jump on board!

Title:  The Thousand and One Night Volume I (out of 4)

Author: Anonymous 

Published:  1986

Length: 644 (Days 0-169)

What it’s about (synopsis via Goodreads):

First Published in 1986. For this revised edition of The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night all names of persons and places and all Arabic words retained in the text have, where necessary, been compared with and corrected by Macnaghten’s Calcutta Edition of the original (1839– 42).

How and when I got it: I had two Jack Zipes volumes but learned they were incomplete, thus I learned about this version, heard great things and got it on January 28th, 2015

Why I want to read it: Because some of the tales I knew from reading in childhood and I think I want a fuller version of them. 

What do you think? Would you read this book? And if you’ve read it, do you recommend it?

Please share your thoughts!

Books from Backlog

Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks.

If you would like to join in, please feel free to enter your link, link back to this post, and then spend some time visiting some of the other posts.

This week’s neglected book 

Book Title: The Thousand and One Night Volume II (out of 4)

Series: 1,001 Arabian Nights 

Publisher: Routledge 

Genres: fairytales, Islam, Middle East, genies, magic, Scheherazade, tale within tale, fantasy, royalty, healing 

Pages: 592

Format: Print (Days 170-487)

Source: I got it on January 31st, 2015, bought it. 


This translation, the only complete and accurate one in English and now available in paperback, presents a full and frank version of the Arabian Nights. The World's most vivid and absorbing stories are here given in a full and unexpurgated translation, and in all the enthralling power of their narrative.

Why did I add The Thousand and One Night Volume II  to my bookshelf? To continue with series and to complete book set. 

What are your thoughts? Have you read this book?  Would you recommend it?

Let's Talk Bookish 

January 20: Collecting Books (Zahra  The Owl)

Prompts: Do you enjoy collecting books? 

Unfortunately I do because it's fun and one never knows what discoveries await when seeking out a read. 

Do you feel like physical books are overpriced? 

To be honest yes. I understand its the times, etc. but it makes it difficult for people who love collecting books to continue to do so. 

Do you buy books after you’ve read them to add to your collection? 

Depends if they were e-book form when I read them and how much I liked them, but quite a few times yes I did. 

Do you buy special edition collector sets? 

No, not really.  More expensive and I can't really afford the crazy prices. What matters is the story and making sure all the pages are intact. 

How invested are you in your book collection? 

A lot honestly. I don't want to let people borrow my books (a lot of times it happened, goodbye my beloved books...and I had to get new ones.) 

Stacking the Shelves 

Book Titles I got this week: (if available)

Planned Reviews: (If available. Use pictures)


  1. Your new books look good! I'm all about the suspenseful reads lately. :)

    1. Hey Greg! Thanks so much! I hope you're enjoying your reads.

  2. Episode Thirteen and The Bone Shard Daughter look interesting. I hope you enjoy your books!

    My It's Monday! What Are You Reading? post.

    1. Hi Majanka Verstaete thanks so much! Episode Thirteen was actually more philosophical than horror based, at least for me :) but it was still a good read. Will let you know how The Bone Shard Daughter will be. I hope you'll enjoy your reads!

  3. I used to love going to the library when I was a kid! It was the highlight of my week. I think it's a great place for kids and adults! Episode Thirteen looks good! Glad to hear you had a nice week!

    1. Hi Rachel @Waves of Fiction and thanks so much! I think my son also enjoys the library too, at least you never know what awesome books you can find (he really loves The Chickens are Coming :) ) Episode Thirteen was very philosophical for me, far more than horror honestly. I hope you're having a good week as well and enjoy your reads.

  4. These are great goals. Good luck with them!

    My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-bookish-goals-for-2023/

    1. Hi Anonymous and thanks so much! Good luck to you too!

  5. Good luck with your bookish goals! I'd also like to read more nonfiction. I have tons of it on my shelf.

    1. Hi Aj@Read All The Things! Thanks so much! I wish you luck as well. I often think nonfiction is a bit underestimated because it can be so much as well. But quite often people often think of nonfiction in a school-like manner if it makes any sense. I hope you'll get a chance to read nonfiction as well!

  6. Good luck with your bookish goals for 2023!
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2023/01/17/top-ten-tuesday-403/

    1. Hi iloveheartlandX thanks so much and I wish you best of luck as well!

  7. Replies
    1. Hi Deanna@ A Novel Glimpse! Thanks so much and I wish you luck as well! If you can leave your blog name I can go and comment on it :)

  8. I'd like to make more time to re-read books as well. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Hi Poinsettia! I wish you best of luck to re-read books too.

  9. Replies
    1. Hi Lectrice Vorace! I agree with you. I hope you'll achieve your goals this year!

  10. You have your reading cut out for you! Best wishes. My latest is here:

    1. Hi Lyn! I agree. I hope I can at least achieve a few of them realistically at least. I wish you best in luck with your goals!


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