G50 Book Review of The Legend of the Bloodstone by E.B. Brown

Name of Book: The Legend of the Bloodstone

Author: E.B. Brown

ISBN: 978-061570122-6

Publisher: Blue Dog Press

Part of a Series: Return of the Pale Feather Sequel

Type of book: 2012, 1621-1622, English colony, bloodstones, legends, vikings, time travel, interracial romance, White female/Half Native American male, life

Year it was published: 2012


In 2012, a woman cuts her hand and picks up a strange colored stone -
Suddenly she is staring into the eyes of an angry Powhatan warrior.
And the only town nearby is Jamestown, circa 1622.

Maggie McMillan wakes up one day as a college student, yet ends the day as the Red Woman: A legendary Time Walker that every loyal Powhatan brave wants to kill. Captured by Winkeohkwet, a warrior who is torn between his duty to kill her and his desire to keep her, she is thrust into a life she had only read about in history books.

Hunted and feared by both the Powhatan and the English, she struggles to find a way home while Winkeohkwet plots to keep her there. Maggie fights to survive as she finds herself entangled in the Indian Massacre of 1622, and Winkeohkwet sees everything he ever believed in shattered by the knowledge she holds.

As they battle against each other and the message she brings from the future, she must decide whether to return to her own time, or to make a life in the past with the man who holds her heart captive.


I had a lot of frustration with Maggie as a character because of her behavior, and the fact that she seemed to fail to grasp that she's in a different time period. I liked the characters of Teyas, the Pale Witch, and wish I could have gotten to know the uncle character better. I also liked Benjamin and wish he could show up in the second book. In beginning I didn't like Winn, but somehow he grew on me, and Maggie as well. What I also liked is that this is not a Janelle Taylor or Madeline Baker book. The history is portrayed of what I know of it, (no bubble bath in late 18th century...) and it also gave interesting tidbits.


Sometimes one finds a place to belong when they least expect it.


This is in third person narrative from Winn's and Maggie's points of views. It was difficult for me to like the characters in beginning, especially Maggie whom I sort of saw as a frustrating woman who doesn't seem to know or understand history of the time. I also liked learning some history that I wasn't aware of, that of the slaying of whites by Powhatan tribe. I think the strongest element in the book is that it tends to be a unique love story and the plot that grabbed me at the end and made me go, "I have to know what happens next." First few chapters are tough, but if you stick with it, you won't regret it.

Author Information:
(from the goodreads.com)

The United States



twitter username

Fiction, Romance, Fantasy

member since
September 2012

About this author

E.B. Brown enjoys researching history and genealogy, and uses her findings to cultivate new ideas for her writing. She earned her Bachelor's Degree from Drexel University and has co-authored research studies in peer-reviewed journals. The Legend of the Bloodstone, Time Walkers Book 1, is her debut fiction novel in Fantasy/Time-Travel Romance. She resides on the East Coast with her husband, daughter, and two Great Danes.

What readers are saying about The Legend of the Bloodstone:
"From bloody battles to intensely erotic encounters it's hard to believe that you are reading a first time author."- Shane P. Carr
"I literally couldn't put it down."- Linda Smith
"Creative concept. Compelling characters. Beautifully written."- Patti L.

Upcoming novels in 2013 include:
Return of the Pale Feather, Time Walkers Book 2
The Faithful, a fantasy romance


I have read plenty of white female/Native American male romances in the past; some of Janelle Taylor's books, Karen Kay, Jessica Davis Stein, and Madeline Baker. When I received this book, I have to admit that part of me did the "eye rolling" thing and expected it to be as bad as Janelle Taylor or Madeline Baker. In beginning it kind of was. It bothered me that the heroine was red haired, and it took me a while to get into the story and like it. In the end, that's what happened. I actually liked the story and enjoyed it. The characters are not Mary sue caricatures of being constantly gossiped and talked about; and Native American side is portrayed with grace. While the English side was portrayed badly, I did find it a bit realistic. I even enjoyed the fantasy element of the book and wish I could get my hands on the second book to see what will happen. (I suspect that the brother and the blonde haired girl are destined to have their own romance in the second book.) What I had confusion with was figuring out which brother was which. I am given a brief description of the brothers and the names, but which brother is shorter and which one is meaner?

Quick notes: I won this book on goodreads.com thus this review will appear in its entirety on goodreads as well as the blog

4 out of 5
(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)


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