Book Review of #1 Remember Me by Christopher Pike

Name of Book: Remember Me

Author: Christopher Pike

ISBN: 0-671-73685-X

Publisher: Archway Paperback series

Part of a Series: Remember me series

Type of book: ghosts, death, life, incest, 1990s, clairvoyance, Ouija board

Year it was published: April 1989


When Shari Cooper awoke at home after being at her girlfriend's birthday party, her family acted like she wasn't there. They didn't hear a thing she said. They wouldn't even look at her. Then the call came from the hospital. Her father and brother paled. Her mother started to cry. Shari didn't know what was wrong. Not until she followed them to the hospital. There she found herself lying on a cold slab in the morgue. The police said that it was suicide.

Shari knew she had been murdered. Making a vow to herself to find her killer, Shari embarks on the strangest of all criminal investigations: one in which she spies on her friends, and even enters their dreams -- where she comes face-to-face with a nightmare from beyond the grave. The Shadow -- a thing more horrible than death itself -- is the key to Shari's death, and the only thing that can stop her murderer from murdering again.


I think the characters are two dimensional, that is to me they don't change and seem to be the same. Despite the constancy though, they are entertaining and well written. In someways too the characters tend to be predictable, although I think I may have read too much of Pike's novels.


Death does not mean the end of life


This is in first person narrative from Shari's point of view. Its a sweet novel and heartbreaking as well. I often felt that it doesn't deserve to be made into a series because the first book is perfect on its own and it wraps everything up nicely, beside the fact that what had Peter seen and if he ever managed to communicate with his brother.

Author Information:

Christopher Pike wrote 30+ novels mainly for young adults, the most famous or well known one is The Last Vampire Saga, Final Friends and Remember Me, and his real name is Kevin McFadden. One of his books, Fall Into Darkness was created into a movie. Unfortunately he doesn’t have a website, but there is a fan club that is devoted to him. ( )


This novel is a typical Pike, but an early Pike not a late Pike with things out of this world. He explores the possible afterlife of Shari Cooper and what happens when she dies. It has twists and turns and, for me, unpredictable events. I would recommend it as well, and think it might be a good novel for those who are grief-stricken over potential suicide. Its not preachy in my opinion.

4 out of 5
(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)


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