Book Challenge A-Z #10 The Debt of Tears by Xueqin Cao

Fulfilling the requirement:

The X requirement for author's last name


Divided into five volumes, of which The Debt of Tears is the fourth, it charts the glory and decline of the illustrious Jia family (a story which closely accords with the fortunes of the author's own family). The two main characters, Bao-yu, and Dai-yu, are set against a rich tapestry of humor, realistic detail and delicate poetry which accurately reflects the ritualized hurly-burly of Chinese family life. BUt over and above the novel hangs the constant reminder that there is another plane of existence- a theme which affirms the Buddhist belief in a supernatural scheme of things.

Lesson learned:

People should be in control of their own destinies, rather than their families.

Link to review: click here


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