Book Review of Tender Assault by Anne Mather

Name of Book: Tender Assault

Author: Anne Mather

ISBN: 0-373-11649-7

Publisher: Harlequin

Type of book: romance, tragedy, love, adult novel, alpha male, island, cougar love

Year it was published: 1993


India had been thirteen when Nathan Kittrick was banished from Pelican Island. Now, shrouded, in scandal, he'd come home, heir to his father's multi million-dollar holiday resort- a man determined to claim what was rightfully his.

Nathan's return brought back bitter memories, and India greeted him with angry accusations of the past. And this time he had to listen, because she was no longer a child, nor his once faithful shadow. In fact, India had been managing the luxury hotel since his father's death.

India was also a woman determined not to let her former trust for this man be rekindled. But she hadn't expected Nathan's assault on her senses to be quite so tender. And she hadn't expected her desire for him to be quite so strong...


I couldn't really enjoy the characters or their personalities. There is something detached about the book and something that refused to grab me. I also didn't and couldn't see the chemistry between the leads. How did Nathan's affections turn to love? Couldn't see it at all.


Umm couldn't understand the theme either, don't judge things by the first appearance?


Third person narrative from India and Nathan's points of view. Although its kind of understandable, there is something detached and boring within the novel, at least for me.

Author Information:

Ann Mather began her career by writing the kind of book she likes to read- romance. Married, with two children, this author from the north of England has become a favorite with readers of romance fiction the world over- her books have been translated into many languages and are read in countless countries. Anne enjoys reading, driving and traveling to new places to find settings for her novels.


I actually got the novel from a second cousin who used to have introduction to Harlequin long time ago. I think this was my second romance novel. As a teenager I really did enjoy it, but reading it years later, I feel differently and found this novel boring and mind-numbing. I am honestly not sure why, maybe its age or maybe I need something else to fulfill my mind.

2 out of 5
(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)


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