Coming attractions for January 2022

Book wise, 2022 is starting out promising, although with all my heart I desire Bryn Turnbulls newest book about Grand duchess Olga titled  THE LAST GRAND DUCHESS. I am definitely looking forward to my reads, be they new to me authors or old favorites. There are plenty of fascinating places for me to visit these next several months just from 2022 releases alone ( alas no Bryn Turnbull novel either!) : Russia, India, France, England, Argentina and a new to me country, Switzerland. Of course USA is included, and also nonfiction. Without further adieu, here is my list: 

Possible reads: 

Flight of the sparrow by Amy Belding Brown

Friendswood by Rene Steinke 

The Burgess boys by Elizabeth Strout

Atomic Anna by Rachel Barenbaum 

Goodbye Again by Mariah Stewart 

Honor by Thrity Umrigar 

A thousand steps by T. Jefferson Parker 

The readers room by Antoine Laurain 

Vladimir by Julia May Jonas 

The Basel killings by Hansjorg Schneider 

Silver Pebbles by Hansjorg Schneider 

The sins of the father by Annie Whitehead 

Vanda by Marion Brunet 

Mrs. England by Stacey Halls 

On a night of a thousand stars by Andrea Yaryura Clark 

Easy beauty a memoir by Chloe Cooper Jones 

Wheel of the fates by J. Boyce Gleason

The eighth girl by Maxine Mei Fung Chung    


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