G104 Book Review of With Malicious Intent by Saylor Storm

Name of Book: With Malicious Intent

Author: Saylor Storm

ISBN: 9780578104980

Publisher: Storm productions

Type of book: Poison, friendship, enemies, theft, twists, perfect family

Year it was published: 2013


Unpretentious, natural beauty, Hannah Ellsworth travels the world only to find love at her back door. Disillusioned with romance, she finds solace in remote Fiji. The distance fails to deter two tenacious suitors; all American Robert Graham and seasoned adventurer, Jack Wilson. Her decision could lead to an untimely death. Who is betraying her and why? With Malicious Intent is a story of learning to listen to your heart and having faith that it will never steer you wrong.


I think the characters needed to be more rounded. I didn't think any of them were three dimensional. I felt that Lori was one of the most interesting characters although I had difficulty in relating as to why she had done what she had done, and would have liked to hear her inner monologue during certain things. Hannah and Robert seem a little too perfect and perhaps some darkening to the characters would have caused this to be a better story than it is now.


Be careful whom you trust


This is in third person narrative from Hannah's, Lori's and Robert's point of views. The beginning of the story was strong, but middle and ending need to have more tension worked in. While I'm happy that Hannah is having a wonderful life with her chosen partner, part of what keeps someone reading is the noticeable tension. Instead the problems happened and were resolved very quickly and not much tension was given. I think the story is more "tell" rather than show. I am not really exposed to the characters's inner thoughts and why events happened as they did.

Author Information:
(from goodreads.com)

Lake Forest, Illinois, The United States



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Romance, Suspense, Ebooks

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August 2012


The story itself was interesting and it had a lot of potential for me to make it a five star book, but due to certain annoyances, which I will mention, I couldn't make this book into a five star book. In particular, the beginning was really strong; we have a mother named Hannah who has a son and three daughters and she's in the hospital being poisoned by someone. Who could it be? The story then goes back to Hannah's college days and focuses on her, her friend Lori and Robert. The summary is a bit misleading; while there is that element, its quickly resolved and the story then moves on the happy and wonderful life of Hannah and Robert and their family. The impression I had was that it was supposed to be a tension filled book, but throughout the story, there wasn't a lot of tension, and it will quickly become obvious as to who is doing it and why. Its also an easy and quick mystery read with nothing complicating obstructing the book.

Quick notes: I would like to thank the author for the opportunity to read and review the book.

4 out of 5
(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)


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