G41 Book Review of Stuck by Lissette E Manning

Name of Book: Stuck

Author: Lissette E Manning

ISBN: 9780615521954

Publisher: LDB Press

Type of book: Science fiction, choices, apocalypse, short story, future

Year it was published: 2011


A world too different from what we once knew . . . all we hold onto now is survival.

Memories of the dead remind Annie Page of the world she'd once known. Renegade forces are closing in, seeking to command the little that remains. Yet she refuses to stand by and watch the world crumble.

Her children’s love the driving force behind the choices that she’s made, she’s determined to make their world a better place. Yet their survival comes with a price – one that she never meant to pay


The only character that seems to understand the mistakes she made at a cost of something precious is the woman that's telling the story. The story and plot and location are not fully fleshed out and its a bit difficult to talk about the characters.


Sometimes things are worth more than others. Be careful with choices and consequences.


An apocalypse of sorts happened and the family is trying to survive in the world they can't recognize. That's all I can say without spoiling the rest of the novel. Its in first person narrative from the woman's point of view about a choice she has made.

Author Information:
(from goodreads.com)


The United States



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Science Fiction & Fantasy, Romance, Short Stories

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July 2010

About this author:

Lissette E. Manning is an author from Connecticut. She has been writing since she was six-years-old and spends most of her time trying to place her thoughts into order and giving life to the stories that are always brewing inside her head.

She enjoys reading books, listening to music, playing the occasional video game, watching movies, and spending time with friends and family. She's also a bit of a computer geek.

Her writing genres of choice are Science-Fiction/Fantasy, Romance, Paranormal, Short Stories, as well as Poetry. She's currently working on several projects such as The Secret Keeper, Tales of Velosia: The Prophecy, The Corsicanth Princess, and many more.


This is a short story, literally, only seventeen pages long. In an odd way it felt complete to me, but in another way I wish to have known more of the characters and background as well as what happened. The author does skillfully weave emotions together at the end but it should be a bit longer.

Quick notes: I won this book on goodreads.com thus this review will appear in its entirety on goodreads as well as the blog.

4 out of 5
(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)


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