Book Review of #3 The Qualinesti by Paul Thompson and Tonya Carter

Name of Book: The Qualinesti

Author: Paul Thompson, Tonya Carter

ISBN: 1-56076-114-8

Publisher: TSR

Part of a Series: Elven Nations trilogy; Firstborn, Kinslayer Wars prequels

Type of book: Fantasy, young adult- adult.

Year it was published: 1991


Kith-Kanan becomes the first speaker of the Suns. His reign can claim many triumphs, including a pact with thre reclusive dwarves of Thorbadin that results in the great monument of Pax-Tharkas. But Kith-Kanan is haunted by his failures: acrimony between the elven factions and the mysterious behavior of his son, his future successor.


The characters seemed to be flat and little motivations were revealed. I would have really liked to know Ulvian's deeper psychology and motivations instead of what I was given. Other than that the characters didn't seem to satisfy me.


Have faith that everything will be okay.


This was written from omniscient third person point of view. I personally think that the book could also be considered as a stand-alone novel and I don't think it was necessary to read the other two novels before it. The book does try to explain everything, but still one wishes to witness Ulvian's and his sister's upbringing, to understand why Kith-Kanan and he don't get along.

Author Information:

Paul B THompson: Paul B. Thompson (born 1958) is a freelance writer and novelist. He has published twenty books to date, many of which are novels set in the Dragonlance fictional universe. A number of these novels are co-authored with Tonya C. Cook.(From amazon.)

Tonya R Carter: N/A


This is much, much better than Kinslayer Wars. The story seems to be cohesive, interesting and well-told. I'll be honest in saying this is my first time reading the novel, and I haven't read Dragonlance novels in ages. Also this is more action focused and the characters aren't given a great amount of depth unfortunately and a few things aren't resolved or mentioned. One would have liked to know the fate of Sithas and what happened to the brother, but alas the book ends. This book should be interesting for those who enjoy Dragonlance novels or for reluctant readers. I personally think that this book is more suitable for a man's taste than anything else.

3 out of 5
(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)


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