Book Review of #1 The Evil Twin by Francine Pascal

Name of book: The Evil Twin

Author Name: Francine Pascal

ISBN: 0-553-29857-7

Publisher: Bantam

Type of book: Young adult, contemporary

Year it was published: 1993


Margo's monstrous plan is complete. She came to Sweet Valley to find a new life, and discovered identical twins Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield and their "perfect" family. If only Margo can get rid of one of them, she can take her rightful place in the Wakefield home. Now the moment Margo has been waiting for has arrived. The twins aren't speaking to each other. Sweet Valley is in chaos. Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield are out of town. Margo has just enough time to do what she needs to do. Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield are in mortal danger.


One dimensional characters, although I have to admit that Margo is very creepy. The twins, as I have mentioned previously, don't learn from their mistakes and I constantly rolled my eyes at the things that were happening to them.


I would guess the main theme is someone trying to take over your life by killing you and being you. Can your family and friends tell you from the look-alike or not? (The millionth time of the twin intuition and all that is not a good theme I think because the twins seem to learn very little from the lessons.)


Even though it seems to be the ending of the miniseries (have not read previous books) this book has good suspense and interest going through it. There is enough information to use and I doubt that reading previous novels is, well, extremely necessary. The ideas of dreams to foretell the future is interesting.

Author Information:

Francine Pascal (born May 13, 1938) is an author best known for creating the Sweet Valley series of young adult novels. Sweet Valley High was the backbone of the collection, and was made into a popular television series.[2] [3] There were also several spin-offs, including The Unicorn Club and Sweet Valley University. Although most of these books were published in the 1980s and 1990s, they have remained popular such that several titles have been re-released in recent years. (From Wiki)


I think this is another book that I liked, well sort of anyways. I felt kind of bad for Margo although the whole blonde thing with the things really made me roll my eyes. One thing that bothered me is when a certain character is pushed off and they frame another guy and not Margo, how did Margo run away before the twins and Todd caught her? Post script, I know that this was written by a ghost writer but for the sake of simplifying, lets say Francine Pascal wrote it.

3 out of 5
(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)


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