Book Review of The Lost Mind by Christopher Pike

Composition of a Soul
The title: The Lost Mind

Author: Christopher Pike

ISBN: 0-671-87269-9

Publisher: Archway Paperback original

Type of book: Young adult novel

Year it was published: August 1995


She awoke in the woods beside a dead body. There was a knife in her hand, blood on her clothes. Had she killed the young woman who lay beside her? She couldn’t remember.
She couldn’t remember anything.
Not even her own name.
It was as if someone had stolen her mind.
Stolen her soul.

Characters: This novel is written in a first point of view from Jennifer. I enjoyed the characters a lot, everyone had interesting personality traits and were likable. Everyone also plays a part in one way or another. Jennifer can best be described as resourceful and brave, as in all of Pike's female protagonists, and isn't afraid to do what she can so evil can be stopped. 

Theme: Pike, in my opinion, seems to be kind of obsessed with the idea of mystery of the soul, what the soul possesses and what secrets it hides. The question that he seems to ask in this novel, if a person was to wakeup without memories or knowledge of who they are and how they have been, then will their personalities change or stay the same? He seems to answer that they will change.

  PLot: Again the plot is handled well and no loose ends towards the end of the novel even to the tiny details. The novel starts with Jennifer waking up in the forest and then continues with the discovery of herself and the people around her and how things aren't always as they look. 

Author Information: Christopher Pike wrote 30+ novels mainly for young adults, the most famous or well known one is The Last Vampire Saga, Final Friends and Remember Me, and his real name is Kevin McFadden. One of his books, Fall Into Darkness was created into a movie. Unfortunately he doesn’t have a website, but there is a fan club that is devoted to him. ( ) 

Opinion: Despite the 3 star rating this is a pretty good book and starts out in an intriguing way with a mysterious girl waking up and not knowing who she is or about the body next to her. I really enjoyed the discoveries she went through, including the supernatural element that is very classic of Christopher Pike. Personally I'd recommend this book to whoever is a Pike fan to enjoy and to ponder about. I thought it was amazing how all details end up being used in the story, such as the knife and whatnot. 

3 out 5

(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)


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