Book review of #8 Dance of Death by R.L Stine

Interesting Ideas
Title of Book: Dance of Death

Author name: R.L Stine (Cameron Dokey)

ISBN: 0-671-00295-3

Publisher: Archway Paperback Original

Type of book: Young adult/children, horror, attempt at being historical

Year it was published: August 1997

Part of the series: Fear Street Sagas #8 
After the bizarre deaths of her parents, Madeline never expects to feel happy again. Then she falls in love with Justin FIer, a handsome young doctor.
She is warned away from Justin by a young man no one else sees, and an old woman everyone thinks is crazy. They tell her Justin is a man driven by an evil quest that destroys any woman who dares to love him.
Is it too late? Can Madeline escape the curse of the Fears?

Characters: The main character in this novel is Madeline Simms who lost her family recently and goes on to live with some cousins. Madeline can be described as brave and fearless to do what is needed to be done. She also has a great intuition, although she also lets others easily talk her into doing things she doesn't want to do. Other characters, unfortunately, did not get enough limelight for us to see their personalities. 

Theme: Since I think of this novel as well factory produced it's hard to think of the message it sends, unless the message is things are not always what they appear, (I think that theme is very very common in R.L Stine's novels.) 

Plot: The plot was handled okay in my view. The point of view switches constantly between Madeline and Tobias (another character), sometimes without warning, but once its time for it to switch back it's handled swiftly and the action begins where it left off. The ending, in my view, should satisfy the readers. 

Author Information: R.L Stine was born on October 8th 1943 and is most famous for other Fear Street series along with Goosebumps series and Nightmare Room. Goosebumps and Nightmare Room were made into TV series ages ago. 

Opinion: As a teenager I was in love with Stine's novels and collected Fear Street Saga(s), along with first three Cheerleader novels, Cataluna Chronicles, Silent Night and I cannot remember what else. But reading this book now, I cannot help but wonder what I liked about it? The magic that was there seems have gone and this read as predictable and trite, sort of a book for the sake of money rather than story. The idea is an interesting one though. This book isn't something that should be recommended, it struck me as completely mindless with no lessons to learn. 
2 out 5

(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)


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