Coming attractions for May 2022
Predictably entering goodreads giveaways resulted in failure 'rather than successes. I also discovered several more books that I want, and quite a few are expensive, in particular the WINTERNIGHT trilogy by Katherine Arden. ( How expensive? 3 books equals thirty dollars, which is kind of expensive for me...) It's interesting how well I have taken to fantasy, because I am seriously in love with reading it. I enjoy picking up a book and reading it and traveling to a world that doesn't exist. So yeah, quite a few of my wants are fantasy persuasion. I still want some other books. Not sure how lucky I will get with it. Without further adieu, here are books I am planning on reading in the near future.
Good people by Nir Baram
My half of the sky by Jana McBurney Lin
The Room on Rue Amelie by Kristin Harmel
The poison prince by S.C. Emmett
The ballad of perilous graves by Alex Jennings
Kalmann by Joachim Schmidt
If there are any heavens by Nicholas Montemarano
Jewish Noir II by various
The Basel killings by Hansjorg Schneider
Killing time by Brenna Ehrlich
Summer of reckoning by Marion Brunet
The bloody throne by S.C Emmett
The shadow of the gods by John Gwynne
The woman in red by Diana Giovinazzo
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