Book Review of Guy by Jowita Bydlowska

Name of Book: Guy

Author: Jowita Bydlowska

ISBN: 978-1-928088-23-3

Publisher: Wolsak and Wynn Publishers

Type of book: relationships, chauvinist, attention to detail, judgment, attraction, modern times, lack of commitment, ruin, wealth

Year it was published: 2016


Guy is a successful talent agent who dates models, pop stars and women he meets on the beach. He's a narcissistic, judgmental snob who rates women's looks from one to ten; a racist, homophobic megalomaniac who makes fun of people's weight; a cheating, lying, manipulative jerk who sees his older girlfriend as nothing more than an adornment. His only real friend, besides his dog, is a loser who belongs to a pick-up artist group. Guy is completely oblivious to his own lack of empathy, and his greatest talent is hiding it all...until he meets someone who challenges him in a way he's never been challenged before. Darkly funny and utterly offensive, "Guy" is a brilliant and insightful character study that exposes the twisted thoughts of the misogynist bro next door.


Main character is Guy, who is best described as handsome, narcissitic, and obsessed with perfection. He loves challenges, be they women, food or clothes, and often strikes me as a male model. A lot of life is roses for Guy, because he is unapologetic and often doesn't reveal his real self at all. He also wants to be with unattractive women as a way of feeling that he is the best thing to happen to her since sliced bread. (Am really not kidding.) Basically the tale explores relationships between Guy, Dolores an unattractive woman, his more attractive and older girlfriend Gloria and, ultimately, Bride. It becomes an interesting question of whether or not Guy can reform. 


What goes around comes around


The story is told in first person narrative from Guy's point of view. and the most fascinating part of the story is Guy. There is a story there of Guy's relationships with women as well as getting his comeuppance, but Guy is a character I will remember for a long time. I also should warn of explicit sexual scenes in the tale as well, and despite Guy's personality, I really liked the novel.

Author Information:
(From the book)

Jowita Bydlowska was born in Warsaw, Poland, and moved to Canada as a teen. She is the author of the bestselling memoir DRUNK MOM. A journalist and fiction writer, she lives in Toronto, Canada


To be honest, I was pretty surprised that I won this, but I think the summary definitely caught my attention and when given a chance, I couldn't help but read it and fall in love with the anti-hero Guy (yes, that's really his name) who feels he is above the rest of us mortals. Basically, Guy is a man you'd love to hate, who often sees himself as god's gift to women and often treats women badly (although he will argue that he doesn't,). The whole tale is driven by Guy, although there is a semblance of a plot. But strangely enough, its a book I enjoyed and something I wanted to review for Valentines Day. I have to say that the ending didn't make much sense for me, and its something I'm still trying to figure out, especially when Guy had such a personality change.

I won this at a blog giveaway

5 out of 5
(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)


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