G212 E-Reading Book Review of Blissfire by D.E.E.L

General Information:

Name of Book: Blissfire, A Story Collection

ISBN: 9781105559

Publisher: Lulu

Year it was published: 2012

Author: D.E.E.L

About the Author:
(from the book)

D.e.e.L has been writing most of his life; though as a child the stories made much less sense and contained much fewer words, as well as some poorly drawn pictures. Becoming anything but a writer has never been something to cross his mind (though he currently works a day job which makes it that much more painful). He grabs any second within the ticking hands to create new worlds of words and chooses some of them to post online to his many blogs; hoping only to have at least one person obtain a smile upon reading. He has one story collection out so far titled “Blissfire”, which is also available in paperback. He also wrote this entire bio himself, which made wording things rather awkward and he hopes that he doesn’t sound conceited.

Overall theme: “Find your bliss, even if you have to pass through the fire."-D.e.e.L.

Overall observations:

Since this is an anthology, a collection of stories, I felt it would be fitting if I used this form instead. What I have observed is that all the protagonists are male, and for a while I thought it went chronologically; for example in first story we start with a twenty-two year old and then we progress to one who is in the thirties, who becomes married, divorced and so forth. There is also a common thread of these male characters focusing on discovering inner happiness, or at least delighting in moments that bring them happiness, no matter what they might be, or how it will all end up. Of course there is also purpose and love woven within; broken love to be more exact, and sometimes purpose that is far more stronger than love.

1. White Abyss 


This is written in first person narrative from a twenty-two year old male's point of view. In this story he discusses how writing brings him happiness despite the personal problems he undergoes through when he moves in with a former lover to live in New York.

2. Awaken


Its written in third person narrative. Hank works at a menial job when his previous lover named Dee arrives and pays him money to quit his job and to come back with her to New York. While the two are riding, both are enjoying the renewal of relationship.

3. Welcome to the Hard Way


Its written in first person narrative about a man staying in a hotel and reminiscing the times when happiness was free instead of paid for, as well as how much he loves his family, his son Joseph and daughter Lilly in particular.

4. Blissfire


Its written in first person narrative from a man that decides to abandon his family and travels down the open road, trying to seek bliss as well as reflecting on his life and at last fulfilling his desires on the road. No matter what, he refuses to commit to anyone but the open road.

5. Losing Focus on Reality


Just like previous stories, its told in first person narrative from a man that happens to be an investigator. A mysterious woman in blue asks him to locate a missing child and sends him to meet an old man. Along the way he reflects on his wife and has a shocking ending.

6. Her


In third person narrative. The man falls in love with a woman but loses her to tragic circumstances while reminiscing how he grew to love her and what led to the downfall.

7. Right After You Left


In beginning, written in first person narrative, a man commits suicide then details his experiences in floating in the void and what it was like before he becomes alive.

8. Sun Risen

While going home, a man meets up with a blond woman and her three children and helps them out in entertaining or catching the ferry. Written in first person narrative from the man's point of view.

9. Worth


A man and a woman are in love until she does the unthinkable and causes the husband to tell what happened after the act as well as how he started to act on his dreams. Written in first person narrative.

10. Dark Red Abyss


A man tells of his passion and love towards writing, as well as a woman that is using him when she's either in the mood, or when her heart is broken.

Giveaway Code:

This is for a book tour at Pixel PR 

4 out of 5
(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)


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