Book Challenge A-Z #34 Journey Home by Yoshiko Uchida

Fulfilling the requirement:

The U letter for the author's last name alphabetically.


World War II is raging. Yuki and her Japanese-American family are forced from their home in California and imprisoned in a US concentration camp called Topaz.

After months of unbearable life in Topaz, Yuki and her family are finally released. They are free, but are left with nothing.

WIth nowhere to go, and no money to get there, the road to rebuilding their lives seems endless. But in the end, it is their unyielding faith and courage that guide them home, reunited and hopeful.

Journey Home is an extraordinary story of one's family struggle to survive one of the most tragic episodes in US history.

Lesson learned:

the world never stays the same.

Link to review: click here


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