Book Review of #3 Brother Wind by Sue Harrison

Name of Book: Brother Wind

Author: Sue Harrison

ISBN: 0-380-72178-3

Publisher: Avon Fiction

Part of a Series: Ivory Carver Trilogy; Mother Earth Father Sky, My sister the moon prequels

Type of book: 7038 BC-7036 BCE, Alaska, north, war, finding home, life, prehistoric,

Year it was published: 1994


In a time before time at the top of the world-in a harsh and unforgiving age of ice-courage will sustain three remarkable souls through trials as bitter as the chill winds of the eternal winter.

Claimed by a brutal, despised enemy, Kiin must sacrifice her love for the sake of her tribe and hte safety of her children. Left widowed and helpless among the Whale Hunters, Kukutux now faces the impossible challenge of surviving alone. While Samiq, wounded and a hunter no more, must take up the mantle of leadership and guide a devastated people abandoned by their gods.

At the dawn of humanity, their extraordinary destinies intertwine. And through hardship and adventure, they endure-confronting the cruelty of man, fate and nature with the indomitable strength of heart and spirit.


The characters are well drawn and third dimensional, although I didn't understand how Kukutux was important to the story. Samiq and Kiin along with others are the ones that ask for respect and its obvious of their importance to the story, but Kukutux, I am lost. What has she done that is important? Also, if you read previous novels and positively despise Waxtal/Grey Bird, in this book he'll get what's coming to him, and so will Raven. It's also nice to see that Samiq did indeed learn things from Whale Hunter People and I am curious how all will survive when there are more women than men brining in the necessary oil.


There is justice in the world, and actions can lead to good things.


This is in third person narrative from what seems like every character imaginable; this book has point of view from Raven, Waxtal, the River Chief villager, Kiin, Kukutux, etc. It is necessary to read My Sister the Moon to understand this novel because the book picks up from that. I do feel that the book is unnecessarily long and drawn out.

Author Information:

Sue Harrison is the author of six critically acclaimed and internationally bestselling novels. Mother Earth Father Sky, My Sister the Moon and Brother Wind make up The Ivory Carver Trilogy, an epic adventure set in prehistoric Alaska. Song of the River, Cry of the Wind and Call Down the Stars comprise The Storyteller Trilogy. Sue’s young adult book, SISU, was released by Thunder Bay Press .

Sue Harrison was born in Lansing, Michigan. The first of five children, she was raised in the town of Pickford in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula where she lives with her husband, a retired high school principal. They are blessed with a daughter and a son, a daughter-in-law and two grandchildren.

A graduate of Pickford High School, Harrison graduated summa cum laude from Lake Superior State University with a B.A. in English Language and Literature. She was named Lake Superior State University’s Distinguished Alumna in 1992, and served eight years on the university’s Board of Regents.

Harrison’s first novel, Mother Earth Father Sky, was published in 1990 by Doubleday (hardcover) and Avon (paperback). It was nominated in the states of Michigan and Washington for the Reader’s Choice Award among high school students, and was one of ten books chosen for “Battle of the Books,” a statewide student reading competition in Alaska. The novel as had success in both the adult and young adult markets, and was a national bestseller. It was selected by the American Library Association as one of 1991′s Best Books for Young Adults.

Harrison’s second novel, My Sister the Moon, (Doubleday/Avon 1992) has also received recognition by reading and school groups throughout the United States and was a Baker and Taylor top ten in library sales. Both Mother Earth Father Sky and My Sister the Moon were Main Selections of the Literary Guild Book Club and alternate selections of the Doubleday Book Club. Brother Wind, Harrison’s third novel was released in hardcover by William Morrow, October 1994, and in 1995 as an Avon paperback. The novel was chosen as an alternate selection by both the Literary Guild and Doubleday Book Clubs. Song of the River and Cry of the Wind were both published by Avon Hardcover/Avon paperback, a division of Hearst Books. The third book of The Storyteller Trilogy, Call down the stars was published by Morrow/Avon in 2001 and 2002. It was featured alternate of the Literary Guild and Doubleday Book Clubs.

Harrison’s books have also been published in Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Spain, Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Portugal, Japan, France, Finland, and South America.

Harrison is represented by Rachelle Gardner of WordServe Literary. She is currently writing women’s contempory fiction for the inspirational market.


First time I tried to read this book, I quit 100 pages in or so. Second time I made it through. I do have questions though; how is Kukutux important to the story? Why wasn't she introduced in My Sister the Moon so we could understand her importance? This book also shows a hierarchy of the people in Alaska, who's on top and who's on bottom and gives us a glimpse of the River people, which she tackles in the next trilogy. It is necessary to read My sister the moon before reading this book. It is an enjoyable book and a good conclusion, but when comparing it to its predecessors, it seems rather weak and very drawn out.

4 out of 5
(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)


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