
Showing posts from January, 2021

The brief and true report of Temperance Flowerdew by Denise Heinze

  Name of Book: The brief and true report of Temperance Flowerdew  Author: Denise Heinze  ISBN: 9781982598648 Publisher: Blackstone Publishing Type of book: 1609-1610, 1628, diary, reminisces, memories, England, witchcraft, North America, Jamestown Virginia, siege, starvation, food, survival, faith, death, cannibalism  Year it was published: 2020 Summary: Determined to set the historical record straight, and clear her conscience, Temperance Flowerdew-the wife of Virginia's first two governors-puts quill to paper, recounting the hardships that nearly brought the Jamestown colony to its knees, and the extraordinary sacrifice of her servant girl, Lily. When she stepped aboard the Falcon in 1609, Temperance Flowerdew was not only setting sail from England to the distant shores of America, she was embarking upon a future of opportunity. She didn't yet know how she would make her mark, but in this new place she could do or be whatever she wanted. Willing as she is to brave...

Coming attractions for January 2021

2020 never ends, or at least it feels this way. Despite the grandiose promises, it always gets worse, at least politically and COVID-19 wise (gee, three or more new strains...) I apologize in advance that I hadn't posted reviews as much as I wished to, but I think the readers and audience can understand the mental struggle that has been haunting me these last few months. I had hoped to hear Happy New Years from a certain someone, but yes, nothing. One question: how long, how long will all this last?  Book tours/ spotlights:  None Possible reviews:  On the edge of sunrise by Cynthia Ripley Miller  Cometh the hour by Annie Whitehead  All the winding world by Kate Innes  The master and the maid by Laura Libricz  Love and other consolation prizes by Jamie Ford  Sown in tears by Beverly Magid  Not our kind by Kitty Zeldis   Possible reads:  Amanda Rose by Karen Robards  Etiquette for RUNAWAYS by Liza Nash Taylor Does anybody el...

January 2021

We shall see the sky sparkling-Susana Aikin SR: January 1st, 2021 FR:  My sister the serial killer- Oyinka Braithwaite  SR: January 1st, 2021 FR: January 3rd, 2021 Nvk- Temple Drake SR: January 15th, 2021 FR:  The Brief and True Report of Temperance Flowerdew-Denise Heinze SR: January 3rd, 2021 FR: January 15th, 2021 Nobody's angel-Karen Robbards SR: November 23rd, 2020 FR: January 5th, 2021 Not our kind- Kitty Zeldis  SR: December 10th, 2020 FR: January 6th, 2021 Nonfiction  Peaceful parents, happy kids how to stop yelling and start connecting- Dr. Laura Markham  SR: December 19th, 2020 FR: January 2nd, 2021 Life in Ancient Egypt-Adolf Erman SR: January 8th, 2021 FR: