Coming Attractions for September 2020
It's September, a month before my birthday. Am I looking forward to it? No. Why? Here is a counter question: what is there to look forward to, besides me aging? Gifts from friends? What friends? Even before COVID-19 no friends. Meeting someone special? Umm that person is located in South Korea and COVID prevents us from seeing one another. Honestly, nothing new or positive to say, aside from the fact we have health and can survive so far. Books/ spotlights: Spiritual Adventures of Russell the dog by Trisha Watson Copy Boy by Shelley Blanton-stroud Possible reviews: Although I have plenty, most likely won't post them this month. ( possible exception is A SNAKE LIES WAITING by Jin Yong, if I get and read the copy.) Possible reads: God has no grandchildren by Kim Gyung UK Titans by Leila Meacham Living treasures by Yang Huang My half of the sky by Jana McBurney Lin Don't you know there's a war on? By Janet ...