G143 Seeing Through the Eyes of my Papa's Heart
Title: Seeing Through The Eyes of My Papa's Heart Author: Lar Marr Wenrich First copyright date: 2013 General subject matter: Abuse, Migrant workers, education, caring, tenacity, grandmother/grandson relationship, growing up, channeling anger ISBN/ASIN: 9780615783628 Summary: He slipped away...creating his own reality, a peaceful existence within a tortured mind...This lost soul without roots would spend his life seeking, craving, searching for love, acceptance and an identity...forever shaped by the cruelty of life...No one who crosses this gentle man's path would imagine that he endured such a cold, cruel and demeaning upbringing--void of love, affection or any notion of self-worth. Until the mention of his father's name...it brings him to his knees and tears flow down his cheeks unabashedly. How did he control his demons of anger, hate and vengeance that surely fumed at the surface? Was it fear that kept his emotions from spilling over, or had he always...