Book Review of Weekend by Christopher Pike

Name of Book: Weekend

Author: Christopher Pike


Publisher: Scholastic

Type of book: who did it? Mystery, supernatural, illness, betrayal 1986, young adult

Year it was published: 1986


 The weekend in Mexico sounded like a dream vacation. Four guys, five girls- and a gorgeous oceanside mansion all to themselves. It should have been perfect.

Except nothing was going the way they'd planned. There was the girl upstairs who was fighting for her life. The phone lines that went dead. And the explosion in the garage that could have killed them all.

But not even that prepared them for what happened next. Because while they were getting some sun, someone else was getting revenge- and the terror wouldn't stop until the weekend was over.


I had a hard time relating and caring about the characters in the book. I honestly don't know why. They seemed kind of predictable and a lot was tell and not show.


You never know who's your friend.


This was in third person narrative from Shani's and Park's points of views. The only thing that I liked was the ending with all the tension. It took way too long to build up though.

Author Information:

Christopher Pike wrote 30+ novels mainly for young adults, the most famous or well known one is The Last Vampire Saga, Final Friends and Remember Me, and his real name is Kevin McFadden. One of his books, Fall Into Darkness was created into a movie. Unfortunately he doesn’t have a website, but there is a fan club that is devoted to him. ( )


Even though I loved Pike, this has to be a clunker for me. I felt that he presented too much information and much too soon. I couldn't care about any characters unfortunately and in someways I somehow found the story a tad bit boring. What exactly was the point of introducing the supernatural elements in the story? A foreshadow as to what would happen? And somehow, a girl owning a pet raven is kind of creepy. In this book, I suspect that Pike is beginning to stretch out his wings and to settle in. Read this book if you want to do a comparsion between late 80s and early 90s and his first two books. If you are looking for a non supernatural Who did it mystery, try Fall of Darkness or his Friends Trilogy.

1 out of 5
(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)


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