Book Review of #6 The Curse of the golden heart by Francine Pascal

Name of Book: The Curse of the golden heart

Author: Francine Pascal

ISBN: 0-553-56403-x

Publisher: Bantam skylark

Part of a Series: Sweet Valley twins and friends super chillers.

Type of book: horror, Sweet Valley, young adult, 1985

Year it was published: 1994


It's spring break, and identical twins Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield are taking a scuba diving course at Pirates Cove. On their first dive the twins discover the remains of an old pirate ship, and half a golden heart buried in the sand.

Soon the twins receive spooky chain letters demanding that what was taken from the sea be returned. Jessica continues the chain; Elizabeth doesn't. Suddenly terrible things start happening to Elizabeth. She finds threatening notes in her room and a live scorpion in her lunch bag.

Can Elizabeth discover the secret of the golden heart before the curse destroys her?


This one tries to get more involved by including the twins' brother and few others, but other than that it rings very hollow and somehow trite and unbelievable.


What am I supposed to learn from this book? True love conquers all?


This is written in third person narrative from Elizabeth's and Jessica's point of view. Somehow to me it's a boring book and all.

Author Information:

Francine Pascal (born May 13, 1938) is an author best known for creating the Sweet Valley series of young adult novels. Sweet Valley High was the backbone of the collection, and was made into a popular television series.[2] [3] There were also several spin-offs, including The Unicorn Club and Sweet Valley University. Although most of these books were published in the 1980s and 1990s, they have remained popular such that several titles have been re-released in recent years. (From Wiki.)


This book had a nice idea but very poor execution and it sounded very similar to the Curse of hte Ruby Necklace. Also, the ending really kills me and doesn't make sense. Out of all the Super Chillers, this is my least favorite and was written terribly. Okay, since Steven thinks that there are logical explanations for all the phenomena, please share them with the readers so we could understand. The cop outs and suspension of belief is too unbelievable. It also seemed to be like some kind of romance novel set up but as I mentioned before, very poor execution and a terrible ending that didn't make any sense.

1 out of 5
(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)


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